FES in Namibia

Our work in Namibia

The FES Namibia Office was established in 1989 on the eve of the Namibian Independence. Our office works in close cooperation with the headquarters in Berlin and Bonn (both in Germany) and local and international partners. In collaboration with its partners, we aim to address Namibia's olitical, social, and economic challenges in Namibia through these working lines.

- Forum for Experts on Social Protection

- Gender Justice

- Just Transition

- Land and Housing

- Labour Relations in the Informal and Formal Economy

- Political Reform Dialogue

- The Colonial Past in Today's Namibia

- Youth Matters

If you would like to be a part of the FES Namibia network, kindly join here:  https://namibia.fes.de/be-part-of-our-network

What is Social Democracy?

The Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftungs's Academy for Social Democracy explains: social democracy. This is Juliane. She is a politics student. Together with her flatmate, Marco, she is talking about "social democracy". Marco only had a rough idea about it until now.

Namibia Office

95 John Meinert Street

Postal Address:
PO Box 23652

Windhoek / Namibia

+264 61 417 500


Our Working lines

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Africa Department